A voluntary savings scheme to help set resident of New Zealand up for their first home funding and retirement.
It is a voluntary savings scheme for people residing in New Zealand to help with their first home funding and for their retirement.
KiwiSaver* offers you benefits no other investment can. It has a number of generous benefits for Employee (salary or wage earner), Self-Employed, Not Employed, Under 18 years old and Over 65 years old.
How does the group health insurance benefit the employer as well as the employee?
For the employer
• Stronger employer/employee relationships
• Reduced sick leave & absenteeism
• More engaged staff and increased performance
• Improved health & wellness of workers
• Better staff retention & increased loyalty
• A happier, more resilient workforce
• Competitive in the marketplace
For the employee
• Improved job satisfaction
• Increased morale & connection
• Better quality of life
• Improved mental wellbeing
• Stress reduction
• Better mental health outcomes
• Enjoy better wellbeing
When you join a KiwiSaver scheme, your money is held in trust and you will receive its benefits:
It’s important that you get advice on your KiwiSaver account as this makes a significant difference to your first home or retirement over the long term. That’s where we come in! We have partnered up with the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme to help you make the most of your KiwiSaver savings.
Your KiwiSaver account has two ways of growing:
1. By the amount of money you, your employer and the Government put in. What is your contribution rate?
2. The returns you earn on your fund. The higher your net return, the bigger your KiwiSaver account at retirement. Has your fund performed satisfactorily?
It makes saving easy! Your KiwiSaver contributions come out of your pay before you see it.
3% contribution of gross wage if employed (less employer superannuation contribution tax)
Annual Government contribution every year of up to $521.43 (if eligible and between ages 18-64)
As well as saving for retirement, KiwiSaver can be used to save for a 1st home.
By regularly contributing, you may be eligible for the KiwiSaver First Home grant which could contribute up to $10,000 towards your deposit
Access to funds in times of significant financial hardship
Members have many providers to choose from, ranging from Banks to locally owned and operated fund managers. Making a change is a simple, stress-free process.
You could add more value to the cover and your employee by choosing the following options.
Conservative Fund
Volatility is likely to be the lowest of the funds. Minimum investment timeframe is less than 5 years.
Growth Fund
Volatility is likely to be higher than the Conservative Fund but lower than the Focused Growth Fund. Minimum investment timeframe is less 5 years or more.
Focused Growth Fund
Volatility is likely to be the highest of the funds. Minimum investment timeframe is 10 years or more.
* I can provide general advice on the Generate KiwiSaver Scheme. A copy of the Generate KiwiSaver Product Disclosure Statement is available at www.generatewealth.co.nz